Kain yang paling dekat dengan bayi Anda, pakaian dan selimut, harus bebas bahan kimia karena digunakan dalam waktu yang lama.
Pakaian saat kelahiran baru seperti mempraktekkan seni rupa: mendapatkan kaki kecilnya menendang, meliuk menyusuri lengan panjang, sambil memasukkan kepalanya melalui leher. Hanya tantangan baru yang muncul setelah Anda melalui ini, yaitu menguasai seni penghapusan noda. Tidak masalah jika Anda memiliki kemampuan yang baik, Anda hanya perlu memastikan kelembutan kain yang menyentuh bayi Anda. Simak tips berikut ini:
1. Kebenaran tentang bahan.
Banyak orangtua baru berasumsi bahwa katun adalah kain terbaik untuk pakaian dan selimut bayi karena mengandung serat alami, tapi tumbuhan kapas konvensional menggunakan pestisida paling banyak, tanaman intensif di AS. Setelah kapas digiling menjadi kain, diketahui sup kimia menyebabkan efek berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia, jika digunakan untuk pewarna dan penyelesaiannya secara rutin. Termasuk bahan kimia formaldehida (terbukti menyebabkan kanker pada uji hewan) dan urea resin formaldehida digunakan untuk meningkatkan noda dan melawan kerut dan untuk desinfektan.
Sebagian besar bahan kimia ini mengandung senyawa atsiri yang dapat menyebabkan reaksi hipersensitif dan alergi, serta diduga mengandung karsinogen. Sementara itu, kliping kain dari pabrik sarat dengan bahan kimia, seperti limbah beracun dan produk yang dibuat dari bahan-bahan yang dianggap aman untuk dibawa ke rumah kita.
Sekarang tarik napas dalam-dalam dan rileks; bayi Anda dalam kondisi baik. Residu pada pakaian bayi dan selimut menimbulkan dermatitis bagi orang berkulit sensitive. Namun, belum ada penelitian yang menunjukkan dampak kesehatan jangka panjang yang mungkin timbul dari kelembutan, penggunaan bahan kimia secara konstan pada pakaian dan selimut. Namun begitu, sikap waspada tetap perlu dilakukan.
2. Pilih bahan yang aman.
2.1.Bahan organik.
Mungkin pilihan yang paling jelas adalah katun organic, yang tumbuh tanpa menggunakan peptisida. Tidak hanya menggunakan pakaian dan peralatan tempat tidur yang tumbuh secara organic, tetapi pilih yang tidak menggunakan obat (tumbuh dengan sendirinya di alam, proses beracun; periksa label), seperti bawah nila (underthenile.com). Anda juga dapat mencari bahan organic, bahan wol yang tidak tumbuh dengan obat, yang secara alami tahan api dan pilihan yang baik untuk pakaian tidur dan selimut (try wulusa.com).
Kain lain yang mengalami peningkatan popularitas adalah berbahan dasar bambu. Kainnya begitu lembut alami dan berkilau mirip kain sutera atau kasmir. Bambu benar-benar biodegradeable dan dapat tumbuh tanpa peptisida atau bahan kimia, namun juga cepat tumbuh dan mudah diperbarui. Cari kain yang disertifikasi oleh Oeko-Tex, lembaga yang menjamin bebas bahan kimia.
Serat alami ini tahan hama, sehingga tumbuh memerlukan sedikit, jika ada, peptisida digunakan pada katun konvensional. Namun, tidak ada proses sertifikasi, sehingga Anda tidak dapat memastikan apakah rami itu sebenarnya tumbuh bebas peptisida.
2.4.Pilihan lain.
Pilihan lain termasuk linen, kedelai, inego (berbahan dasar jagung) bahkan plastik daur ulang.
Jika Anda tidak menggunakan organic.
Cuci pakaian dan linen bayi dengan sabun cuci bebas racun, seperti deterjen Seventh Generation Baby Laundry atau metode deterjen bayi HE. Beli pula pelembut pakaian yang digunakan setelah mencuci, biasanya cukup untuk meghilangkan residu bahan kimia, sehingga Anda tidak membutuhkan toko pakaian bekas. Selain penghematan uang, Anda melindungi bayi Anda dengan selimut katun organic yang dapat digunakan selama setahun, seperti selimut berbahan wool 100%.
Kabar baiknya:
Selain menjadi lebih baik bagi bayi Anda dan planet ini, kain organic ini dapat bertahan lebih lama. Tetapi, bayi tumbuh lebih cepat dari pakaian, jadi apa manfaat dari pakaian tahan lama? Ternyata masih banyak manfaatnya. Misalnya menyimpan pakaian tersebut untuk saudara kandung, dijual pada teman atau keluarga, menjual secara online. Pakaian organic ini indah dan berkualitas tinggi, agar bayi Anda lebih sehat dan juga untuk kebaikan lingkungan planet.
Kesehatan ibu dan anak, bagaimana jadi seorang ibu, bagaimana perilaku anak, dan tips ibu-ibu
Jumat, 21 Januari 2011
Selasa, 04 Januari 2011
Do you hesitate to (or should) give milk to your baby? Do not worry, experts reveal the best benefits of breastfeeding, and some things to help reduce your fears.
Maybe you've heard breastfeeding is the best food for babies. But in line with the size of your pregnancy, you may be sure that your breasts can produce enough milk. Or, maybe your partner does not think breastfeeding is a great idea. Or maybe, just maybe, you think it is not viable enterprises. We are here to tell you that you can (and should) breastfeeding.
Here are four concerns of pregnant women, followed by expert advice to create a neighborhood breastfeeding is best for you and baby.
1. My chest was flat and did not think I would be able to produce enough milk. Not to worry. "That makes a big bust is body fat," said Wendy Haldeman, MN, RN, IBCLC, a breast pump station owner in Santa Monica and Hollywood, California. "Usually the size of the gland is not related to lactation, added Sharon Mass, MD, editor of Breastfeeding Handbook for Physicians (American Academy pediatrician). The only effect of having small breasts is a smaller storage area so that the baby needs to eat a little more often, "he explained.
There are other things that matter? Does your bra hood AA or DD is the change in the relative during your pregnancy. "Prospective mothers must feel full breasts or sore at first and grow 3rdmester nearing the end of pregnancy," Mass said. "The lack of change can show breast tissue does not respond to hormonal stimulation, and affects the breast milk but this is very rare." If you're still worried, visit the consultant to determine the condition of your breasts.
2. I avoid breastfeeding. Is it a good formula? "A formula has evolved far, but none match the mother's milk," Mass said."Consider all the true breast milk
- Strengthen baby's immune system has to fight infectious diseases.
- Reducing the long-term health risks, such as diabetes, asthma, various allergies, obesity, high cholesterol and some cancers.
- Improve IQ.
And the good news does not stop there. "Breastfeeding helps you return to your pre-pregnancy weight, and has been shown to reduce the risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer," Mass said."Also to strengthen the bond of mother and child." So there's no formula that is as good as breastmilk.
3. I have to go back to work when my baby is 6 weeks old, so what benefits of breastfeeding? "Even six weeks of breastfeeding is better than tisak at all," Mass said. But before you decide not to breastfeed because of work, first learned of your choice. For example, you decide to give formula milk and breast milk during the day in the morning and afternoon. Or do you continue to give milk; this requires that both breasts while you are at work. "Just because you go back to work, does not mean you should stop breastfeeding. Do not worry about your breasts will learn to accommodate what you want, "added Mass.
4. My husband did not support breastfeeding, so I do not think it would be convenient if you keep doing it. Invite your partner up to date about the goodness of milk through videos, books, or attend a breastfeeding class together. This can be a great way to give meaning to him. "Breast milk can make babies healthier, more intelligent, and rarely cried than infants who drink formula," said Haldeman. It is also important to let your partner know how important breast milk for your baby.
If your partner still not sure, show breastfeeding effect on financial savings. During one month, the cost of formula milk to reach $ 500, according to La Leche League International. Breastfeeding, on the other hand, is freedom. Add to this the cost savings likely to visit a doctor because your baby is rarely sick.
What about a boob job?
Many women think that breast milk is no rule relating to cosmetic breast surgery. Here is what you need to know the operating connection with the ASI:
1. If you plant something during the incision was made under the breast or through the armpit, most women with dreams in her breast to nurse well. The only problem that needs to be taken into account when the nipple needs to be eliminated, says Sharon Mass, MD This belumberarti, you can not breastfeed, but Mass recommend monitoring to ensure your baby get the milk and enough weight.
2. If you undergo breast removal breast reduction surgery is to diputusnya milk ducts and is mixed with milk, but this is no longer as such. "If you undergo breast removal surgery in the last 15 years, there is a good chance that you leave the stalk surgeon breast tissue behind the nipple. And aerol can improve the results of ASI, "says lactation consultant, Wendy Haldeman.